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COACHING: Argument Even Better Ifing

$ 444.00 USD
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Fighting is normal, human and even healthy. Experience is expensive. Just be SURE you get what you PAID for! BEWARE! Moving ON might be terribly tempting, yet moving FORWARD is faaaaaaaaaar more faaaaabulous. AND it will save you tons of time, heartaches and headaches-galore in the future too! Turn conflict into connection, and complaint into contentment.Get proactive about peace in your relationship. Invest just a little intention, attention, action after the fight, you'll save yourself from the next nightmare, and certainly from a lot of negativity. Lean into those lessons and become Fabulous Fighters so you can TRANSFORM conflict into connection by Argument Even Better If-ing YOUR next argument.

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Hi, I'm Gaby

I have Masters degree in Education, Counseling and Guidance and 25 years of coaching and teaching experience, it is my own “messy-to-magical” marriage that allows my relationship guidance to be so spot on. My innovative methods are fiercely forward focused, gently shifting any negativity into concrete action steps. I'm a wiz at supporting couples in not just digging themselves out of a relationship ditch, but cultivating a couple culture of "aiming for awesome".

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